Enter and Elevate

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

This Weekend Was Awesome!

This weekend was a total highlight! We had over 120 students this weekend! It was unbelievable! We began our series called "The Essentials," discussing the 5 purposes on which the Student Ministies will operate. This weekend we were talking about how God wants to use us to help our friends enter new life with Christ. We used "Enter" as our student-friendly word for Evangelism. It was so exciting to see student catch the spirit of God this weekend as we challanged them to take a risk and pray for their friends and for opportunities to share their faith story with their friends. I think that students of this ministry are going to change the tide of their campuses this year through our Invest and Invite strategy. We encourage students to invest in their friends lives, to get to know them, care about them, build relationships and let them know that God cares about them. I am so thrilled to see students picking up the habits or being excited about their friend's spiritual growth, and not being selfish Christians. It is such a joy to work with them as God moves through us to change our area.

I was reading this morning on Perry Noble's blog about his take on prayer being an excuse for inaction. It was so encouraging as I read his thoughts and then thought about our students here who ARE moving and inviting their friends to come to church and to know Christ. It has been incredible to see the growth of our group in just the past two months that we have been here. I know that everyone critiques those churches that always talk about numbers as their only basis for determining success, and I agree. I hate the numbers game, numbers are not the measure of success... They are ONE measure of success because numbers are people too. I don't care if we have 120 students showing up to church. That doesn't mean anything to me. I do care that out of the 120 that came and heard the message, that almost 75 students were mobilized for evangelism through our Invite and Invite program called "Green Means Go." That is exciting! Because even if half of those 75 people bring one person to church or tell one friend about Jesus, then that is almost 40 more students in Heaven because of one week! God is good! That is an exciting stat. So yeah numbers are people, and that is why they are important.

Now, as we head into this next week of the Essentials series, we will be talking about Merge, which is our word for connection of fellowship. It will be very cool to see students hook into small groups and really develop friendships and learn how to do life together in a real and authentic way. It will be a fun series. Its only been one week and I am already stoked on what God is doing and excited about what He will continue to do in and through us. The ministry is becoming a movement and Advancing the Invisible!


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