Enter and Elevate

Monday, December 01, 2008

Interesting Article...

I read this article this morning about how young adults are rapidly leaving the church once they graduate high school. I know... not a shockingly-new-breaking-news-get-off-your-butt-and-make-some-coffee-cuz-this-is-going-to-change-everything sort of article because many of us have been reading things like that since before I was born. This one was different though, it marked that the trend of 18 year olds taking a break from church, and then displaying a slight return around age 30, was due, according to the author of the study Rodney Stark of Baylor University, to a single factor... They wanted to sleep in! Beyond this, the article stated that it was not something to worry about, but that this happens "in every generation," and that it is something to accept, not something to solve.

I literally laughed out loud (that's LOL for you texters) when I read this article. What this shows me is that most high school ministries are creating a consumer culture so early in the hearts and minds of students that when they are no longer catered to, which is after they graduate in most churches, that sleeping in is more exciting that having a weekly encounter with the God of the universe and His representatives on earth, the church. This is a tragic statement. Even more tragic is the complacency in which it is stated. As a Student's Pastor myself, this scares and bothers me to the core of who I am. While I care deeply about students placing their faith in Jesus Christ for their eternal security, I think that we miss the heart of God if that is all we are about! Jesus said, "I came so that you can have the fullest life possible." I know that for some students, attending church doesn't fit into their definition of the fullest life possible. We need to step up our game and begin to create environments that are irresistible to people so that we present God well and help keep His word to people.

until next time...


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