Enter and Elevate

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Baggage: Checked!

This weekend was an amazing experience! Not just were we so excited to see our students again after a long absence of vacation and traveling, but we are both so excited about our new series: "Baggage Check." This week we talked about denial and how God wants us to be honest with Him about everything in our life, not just the good stuff, but the messy, hard and hurtful stuff as well, because He can handle our feelings and cares for us. During the message we asked the students to write done one thing in their life that they felt wasn't fair or that was hurtful, on a piece of paper that we gave them and then we asked them if they wanted to to, to drop the paper into the suitcase on stage as a symbol that they were giving God a chance to change them, and they way they feel about that one thing. This response was sparked by Romans 12:2 were God promises to change us from the inside out, by adjusting the way that we think. We had students give up their struggle with drugs, the difficult homelife, their anger towards an abandonded father, admitting they have eating disorder or are dealing with pornography. It was an amazingly powerful weekend. If you wouldn't mind, stop right now as you read this and pray for our students. We are praying so hard that God would give them the courage and strength to take the next steps after this weekend. The battle is just beginning and it is far from over. It will not be easy but our God is powerful and this weekend was a big moment. God is good! It was so exciting to see Him move, as so many students responded! I cant wait for next weekend!


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