Enter and Elevate

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Holy Crud!

I am writing this bolg on my plane flight home to California. And I am just sitting here (next to a guy that kinda smells) and imaging how bad it smelled at CRUD WARS! Yet with all the smelliness and grossness of the massive food fight, I was so thanksful for the awesome time that we had and how God used it to bring new students to expereince Him through us as a church. CRUD WARS was our first really big outreach event for Jr. Higher students, and we told the students that it was $5 if you come alone, or free if they brought a friend. And the students responded! We had 73 students come out to the event and 36 of them had never been to our church before, and 4 others came Sunday morning for the first time. Super awesome!

We have set up our ministry with strategic "Wins" for each type of program that we do so that we ensure that the event is actaully fulfilling its purpose... For our Enter (Evangelism) events, our win is that a new student would say, "I can't belive I had that much fun at a church event. I can't wait to come back!" The highlight of the night for me was that 3 students that we new said our win back to us almost exactly, without knowing what they were even saying! One guy said, "I never knew churches did fun stuff like this." to which his friend who is a regular attender responded, "Yeah we do fun games and have cool music on Sunday mornigns too." His new friend then turned to me and said, "This church rocks!" It was a sweet, divine and holy moment, even if he did have pork and beans on his face, and chocolate covered noodles in his hair...


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